The Harrison Fire Department participates in an annual grant presented by the Arkansas Fire Prevention Commision to install smoke detectors in residential properties.
Click the links below for more information.
Working smoke alarms save lives. With today’s technology smoke alarms have become more advanced. Comination smoke alarms can detect smoke and carbon monoxcide. Battery operated interconnecting smoke alarms connect to eachother. When one alarm goes off, all the alarms go off. There are smoke alarms which can be connected to your phone and alert you when you are away. Smoke alarms for the hearing impaired provide a flashing light or can have bed shakers to alert those who wouldn’t be able to hear the alarm. It is vital for your home to have working, proper amount, and properly located smoke alarms in your home. Your life or your family may depend on it.
Click on the links below to find the smoke alarm right for your home.