Trash Services-Commercial
Commercial trash services in Harrison are provided by:
Lakeshore Recycling Systems (LRS)
1313 Old Bellefonte Road
Harrison, ARPhone: 870-204-6690
(Drop-off Center Closed Mondays & Tuesdays)
Office Associate: Dawn White
LRS Local Management Team
Operations Mgr: Randy Stewart
Phone: 870-405-3813
For service collection dates and rates for commercial use, as well as other information, call local phone number (870-204-6690).
News Update:
LRS also known as Lakeshore Recycling Systems announced on Nov 3, 2021, the acquistion of operations whose territories include Arkansas, Kansas and Wisconsin. In Arkansas, Harrison and Bethel Heights were included in the acquisition. The new contract for trash hauling and recycling services will go into effect on the first day of 2023. There are some significant changes in the new contract, primarily its length, from 10 years to seven years. Recycling will be a sign-up program for customers.
A cardboard dumpster is available upon request at no cost.