Mayor Jackson shows a brochure of downtown.

The Historic Harrison Business Association met on Monday, Feb. 17, at the Signature Bank Community Room. The air of excitement and anticipation of good vibes for the downtown area was definitely in the room.

Secretary/Treasurer Beverly DeWitt reported that several new businesses had presented applications and dues for membership that evening. Last year, a new membership fee structure was adopted so larger corporations and local businesses could make meaningful donations to the organization.

Mayor Jackson reported that the City was investigating adding cameras to the downtown square to promote safety for shoppers and store owners. A police officer is already walking the downtown area on a regular basis.

He also thanked Kelly Lindberg, one of the 1915 Cafe owners, for her work on the downtown brochure, which is being distributed around the city to invite out-of-town guests to experience restaurants and businesses downtown. 

The Mayor also addressed the dilemma of winter snow plows. “We understand this is a source of frustration for business owners. Plows are big pieces of equipment designed to pile the snow up. Sometimes, the most convenient place for the plow operator is a parking place or driveway. So the city is trying something new. We’ve hired an independent contractor to come behind the snow plow and hopefully remove the snow from your parking places and driveways. It’s an experiment. We hope it works well.”

Other business discussed were continuing with the digital billboards or renting static billboards in key locations. A discussion followed, but no action was taken.

It was mentioned that the downtown Dollar General will be reopening soon.

A “Parking” sign was requested for the Skate Park area, and the mayor mentioned that new striping would happen when spring arrived.

Several business owners mentioned that the new trees along Main Street looked great and were anxious for spring.

Nabors mentioned to the group the possibility of an archway on Prospect Street inviting travelers to explore the “historic” downtown area. The city is currently consulting with an engineer about the project.

The new 2025 officers were elected. A former board member had submitted a resignation letter, and the board asked Mike Nabors if he would fill that vacancy. Roni Combs was also elected to the board. 

A slate of officers was presented and voted on by the members. No additional names were presented from the audience. Mike Nabors was voted president, and Emily Powers was voted vice president. Beverly DeWitt remains secretary/treasurer.

Nabors said later, “I failed to acknowledge and thank Emily for the wonderful job she has done for the past five years. We really appreciate her leadership.”

She grinned, saying, “You just think this office is for one year.” Everyone enjoyed a good laugh.

The next HHBA meeting will be held on Monday, April 21, at 6 p.m.